lauantai 18. toukokuuta 2013

First Light / Last Light

I need you to be the strength of widows and soul survivors
I need you to be as fearless as new mothers and new fathers
I need you to be the hope of hearts who lost true love
I need you to be the might of their first kiss

I need a purpose and I need a reason
I need to know that there is trophy and meaning
to all that we lose and all we fight for
to all our loves and to our wars

I need a purpose and I need a reason
I need to know that there is trophy and meaning
to all that we lose and all we fight for
to all our loves and to our wars

keep breathing
keep living
keep searching

keep bleeding
keep healing
keep fading

keep breathing
keep living
keep searching
keep pushing on
keep bleeding
keep healing
keep fading
keep shining on

keep breathing
keep living
keep searching
keep pushing on
keep bleeding
keep healing
keep fading
keep shining on

this is for the hearts still beating

Oikeasti. Vielä, kun olette elossa: ottakaa kaikki siitä irti. Jokainen teistä, ketä tunnen. Keitä olen tuntenut. Ketkä olen menettänyt. Olette tärkeämpiä, kuin arvaattekaan. Kuolema ei ole leikin asia.

Te, ketkä olette jo menneet rajan toiselle puolen.. Kaipaan teitä. Aivan järkyttävän paljon.

1 kommentti:

  1. Sinullekin voimia, Juska Juskanen! Jos nään sinut vielä joskus jossain, annan halin.
